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Attendance System with Face Recognition in Python 2023


Attendance System with Face Recognition in Python 2023

Build a Comprehensive Attendance System web app using Face Recognition, Machine Learning, Redis, Python, Streamlit

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This course is designed to teach you how to create a Complete Attendance System using Face Recognition technology. You will learn the principles of face recognition, image processing, and machine learning algorithms that enable the creation of an accurate and reliable attendance system.
Throughout the course, you will use Python programming language and various libraries, such as OpenCV, Numpy, Pandas, Insightface, Redis to build a comprehensive attendance system. You will start by learning the basics of face detection, feature extraction, and face recognition algorithms. Then, you will integrate these algorithms with the attendance system that you will build from scratch.
By the end of the course, you will have a complete attendance system that is capable of identifying people and marking their attendance based on their facial features. This course is suitable for beginners in programming and machine learning, and no prior knowledge of face recognition is required.

Topics covered in this course include:

  • Introduction to face recognition and attendance systems

  • Basic image processing techniques

  • Feature extraction and dimensionality reduction

  • Face detection and recognition algorithms

  • Machine learning for face recognition

  • Building an attendance system with face recognition

  • Redis with Python

  • Integrate Redis and Face Recognition system.

  • Registration Form (Add new person data)

  • Streamlit for webapp

  • Real Time Prediction App

    • Registration Form

    • Report

By the end of this course, you will have a strong understanding of how to create a complete attendance system using face recognition technology. You will also have the skills to apply this knowledge to other computer vision applications.

See you inside the course. Attendance System with Face Recognition in Python 2023 | Udemy

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who like to develop End to End Face Recognition based Attendance System.

What you'll learn

Real Time Live Attendance System
Detect and Idenify person name and person role with Face Recognition
Develop 3 Streamlit Web App
Integrate Face Recognition Model with Redis Database
Learn about Redis with Python
App-1: Real Time Live Attendance System
App-2: Registration Form for new teachers and students
App-3: Reporting


At least beginner to Python
Atleast begineer on Pandas, Numpy and OpenCV libraries

  Steps to Build a Face Recognition System

  1. Step 1: Install libraries. We need to install 2 libraries in order to implement face recognition.
  2. Step 2: Import libraries. ...
  3. Step 3: Load images. ...
  4. Step 4: Find the face location and draw bounding boxes. ...
  5. Step 5: Train an image for face recognition.

Attendance System with Face Recognition in Python 2023 \ Udemy

  What is face recognition based attendance system using Python OpenCV?

In this project, the Open CV based face recognition approach has been proposed. This model integrates a camera that captures an input image, an algorithm for detecting face from an input image, encoding and identifying the face, marking the attendance in a spreadsheet and converting it into PDF file.
Which algorithm is best for face recognition Python?
The most common type of machine learning algorithm used for facial recognition is a deep learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). CNNs are a type of artificial neural network that are well-suited for image classification tasks.
Can OpenCV be used for face recognition?
OpenCV uses machine learning algorithms to search for faces within a picture. Because faces are so complicated, there isn't one simple test that will tell you if it found a face or not. Instead, there are thousands of small patterns and features that must be matched.
Is there a database for facial recognition?
The INTERPOL Face Recognition System (IFRS) contains facial images received from more than 179 countries which makes it a unique global criminal database.
What is IoT based face recognition attendance system?
using IoT is a tool for recognizing the students face while taking attendance by using face biometrics based on monitor camera image capturing. In our face recognition based smart attendance project, a raspberry pi system will be able to find and recognize human faces fast and precisely in images.
Which one is better for face recognition OpenCV or TensorFlow?
Looking at their orientation, OpenCV only detects faces in a single orientation and this is because it is trained using haar or hog-cascade. TensorFlow for computer vision, on the other hand, is trained on data and works perfectly with CNN.
What is face recognition based attendance system using Python OpenCV?
In this project, the Open CV based face recognition approach has been proposed. This model integrates a camera that captures an input image, an algorithm for detecting face from an input image, encoding and identifying the face, marking the attendance in a spreadsheet and converting it into PDF file
What are the disadvantages of OpenCV?
The facial recognition system is highly sensitive to pose variations. The movement of head or different camera positions can cause changes of facial texture and it will generate the wrong result. Occlusion means the face as beard, mustache, accessories (goggles, caps, mask, etc.)
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