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EssentialSQL: SQL Window Functions for Business Analytics

EssentialSQL: SQL Window Functions for Business Analytics SQL Window Functions for SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite & PostgreSQL, for Data Analysis

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In this Course you will Learn to:

  • Write simpler queries using window functions.
  • Know how window functions work with partition and other clauses to help you form running totals or compare values from one row to the next.
  • Create complex queries involving joins using window functions.
  • Learn how to use LEAD and LAG to avoid using cursors in your SQL scripts.
  • Write window functions using MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or SQL Server – your choice!  I'm sure they will work with Oracle, I just haven't tested...  :)
  • Understand how to set up a window frame and their affect on the window function.
  • Know the difference between window functions and classing GROUP BY results.
  • Work with multiple window functions within a query.
  • Who to use results from a window functions within the same query.
  • Learn to us the three classes of functions: Aggregate, Ranking, and Analytic functions.

Nothing is worse than

  • Being excited to learn something new but not knowing where to start.
  • Wasting time learning the wrong features.
  • You being overwhelmed with options and not knowing which to use.

Imagine Having...

  • Knowledge - Knowing how to quickly use window functions to take your SQL to the next level.
  • Confidence - Feeling good that you’re on the right track.
  • Accomplishment - Having a sense of accomplishment that you've learned something most cannot.

By the time you’ve completed this course you’ll have an appreciation of window functions, overcome your fear, and able to use them to simplify some of your very complex queries.

What you'll learn

  • Learn how to incorporate window functions into your SQL queries.
  • Understand how partitions and windows work together within a query.
  • Apply window functions so you can avoid using cursors in your SQL.
  • Understand the difference between window function mechanics and GROUB BY summaries.
  • Create complex queries involving joins using window functions.
  • Apply aggregate, analytic, and ranking functions to perform common business tasks such as calculating running totals or comparing one row’s value to the next.
  • Create queries using either MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server.


Kris Wenzel

Let me teach you SQL using simple to understand English.
Online Course CoupoNED based Analytics Education Company and aims at Bringing Together the analytics companies and interested Learners.