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MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit


1 : MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit

Build a functional MERN Project with Docker,React and ReduxToolkit,NGINX,Express and more.....

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Hi, welcome to this course on building a functional fullstack MERN app, that can be used for generating invoices, quotations and receipts.

We shall build this app, step by step, by leveraging tools and technologies such as Docker, NGINX, NGINX Proxy manager, Makefiles,Portainer, shell scripts, MongoDB, Express, ReduxToolkit and Redux Toolkit query, also called RTK-Query.

You will also learn how to serve your application on a custom domain name, and serve it securely over HTTPS with SSL Certificates from letsencrypt.

This course is NOT for absolute beginners. It is aimed at those with at least 1 year of relevant Fullstack Javascript experience. Having prior exposure to the MERN Stack will be advantageous.

This app was built by one person(myself), so of course, none of us is perfect. You might discover bugs here and there , or see ways of improving the codebase. Kindly, if you are able to fix any bugs you come across,or see ways of improving the codebase, please raise a PR on the repo.

I will review and merge in the changes for the benefit of all the other learners of this course.

Who am I? I am Alpha Ogilo, a self-taught full-stack software developer, currently working as a Senior Software Engineering Manager.

My Hope is that you shall gain immense value from this.

MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit | Udemy

What you'll learn

  • Modern Redux with ReduxToolkit and ReduxToolkit Query
  • Running multiple Docker containers using Docker Compose
  • Load balancing and reverse proxying using NGINX within a Docker Container
  • Token based authentication with reuse detection and refresh token rotation
  • Social Authentication with Google
  • Custom Logging in NodeJS with Morgan and Winston
  • Email sending with Mailhog for development and Mailgun for production
  • How to setup and use Cloudinary for Image upload
  • How to serve a MERN web app securely using HTTPS and SSL
  • Ubuntu server config for production
  • How to setup and use Portainer to manage containers in a production environment
  • How to setup and user NGINX proxy manager within a production environment

MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit | Udemy


This course is NOT for beginners. You must have at least 1 year of RELEVANT javascript experience preferably on the MERN Stack

Node js with Express Basics

Docker and containerization basics

React JS Basics

Redux basic concepts such as actions, reducers,store etc

React UI frameworks and how they work. Specifically It would be great if you have some basics of Material UI, since this is what we shall use.

ReduxToolkit basics. It's now official that the recommended way to build redux applications is through the use of Redux toolkit. Have some basic knowledge on this.
Git and Github.

NGINX basics and how servers work.

HTTP vis-a-vie HTTPS and SSL Certificates.

You should also have a computer running either MacOS or linux(preferably). If you are on windows, where possible I shall provide windows workarounds, but I have not fully tested this on windows.

Please ensure that your machine is powerful enough to run docker, as we shall be using docker both in development and in production.

Who this course is for:

This course is NOT for absolute beginners. It is aimed at those with at least 1 year of relevant FullStack Javascript experience. Having prior exposure to the MERN Stack will be advantageous.

 MERN stack application with Docker and Nginx: React Nodejs Express and MongoDB - Docker Compose file for React, Nodejs, MongoDB with Github.

MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit. Published 3/2023. Created by Alpha Omondi Ogilo

welcome to this course on building a functional fullstack MERN app, that can be used for generating invoices, quotations and receipts.

MERN Invoice Web App with Docker,NGINX and ReduxToolkit | Udemy

You should consider switching to RTK Query if your app, apart from its API needs, requires some central state management like Redux. Keeping React Query and Redux in sync is painful and requires some custom code overhead, while RTK Query provides out-of-the-box compatibility.

RTK Query is an advanced API interaction tool inspired by similar tools like React Query. But unlike React Query, RTK Query offers full integration with framework-agnostic Redux.

Complete Guide to Redux-Toolkit and RTK Query with React JS. Become a master by learning modern Redux concept like Redux Toolkit and RTK Query with React.

RTK Query features tools for auto-generating API definitions using OpenAPI standards or GraphQL.

With the help of createAsyncThunk middleware and RTK Query, you will get know how to work with api in React Application. And I am sure after taking this course

RTK Query adds a fixed one-time amount to your app's bundle size. Since RTK Query builds on top of Redux Toolkit and React-Redux

The official Redux Essentials tutorial: learn advanced patterns for fetching data with RTK Query.

Alpha Omondi Ogilo

Online Course CoupoNED based Analytics Education Company and aims at Bringing Together the analytics companies and interested Learners.