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Python PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer [2023]

Get certified for Python! Prepare for your Python Certification Exam PCEP-30-02 with 6 Practice Tests and 430 questions! Python PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer [2023]

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Don't waste your time and get certified in Python! Become a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer!

These PCEP-30-02 Practise Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide interactive, question-level feedback. It provides a solid foundation for further study and career advancement in the field of programming and software development.

This course "Python PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer [2023]" will prepare you for what it is like to take the PCEP-30-02. The course consists of 6 Practice Tests with 430 unique questions from all knowledge areas that will prepare you to pass the PCEP-30-02 exam at the Python Institute. ! Every question has an explanation with "Try It Yourself Code" that you can run to test the code. (The download link with code examples will be in every practice test)

Why should you learn from me?

Not only that I am a University professor and have more than 20 years in the IT field, and about 15 years in education, but I am also a certified Entry-Level Python Programmer and have already passed an exam I am teaching you. You can verify my certification on the OpenEDG certificate verification page if you enter this id: QUh3.4bG9.uQSd

The first test simulates the real PCEP-30-02 exam and has exactly the same number of questions as the real exam, and the same proportion of questions from different areas. This test allows test candidates to get a good idea of the kind of questions that will appear on the exam as well as help them understand how these are scored and weighted across the exam sections. The real exam lasts 45 minutes and consists of 30 questions, and the passing score is 70%. Additional unique 400 questions you can find in the other five tests! You'll have a total of 430 questions to learn and practice for the exam!!!

All questions are from four domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual PCEP-30-02 Certification Exam with confidence and become a Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer!

The practice test covers all the topics in the new PCEP-30-02 Syllabus - Python Institute

. Computer Programming and Python Fundamentals (18%)

1 > Understand fundamental terms and definitions

  1. interpreting and the interpreter, compilation, and the compiler
  2. lexis, syntax, and semantics

2 > Understand Python’s logic and structure

  1. keywords
  2. instructions
  3. indentation

3 > Introduce literals and variables into code and use different numeral systems

  1. Boolean, integers, floating-point numbers
  2. scientific notation
  3. strings
  4. binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeral systems
  5. variables
  6. naming conventions
  7. implementing PEP-8 recommendations

4 > Choose operators and data types adequate to the problem

  1. numeric operators: ** * / % // + –
  2. string operators: * +
  3. assignment and shortcut operators
  4. unary and binary operators
  5. priorities and binding
  6. bitwise operators: ~ & ^ | << >>
  7. Boolean operators: not, and, or
  8. Boolean expressions
  9. relational operators ( == != > >= < <= )
  10. the accuracy of floating-point numbers
  11. type casting

5 > Perform Input/Output console operations

  1. the print() and input() functions
  2. the sep= and end= keyword parameters
  3. the int() and float() functions

. Control Flow - Conditional Block and Loops (29%)

1 > Make decisions and branch the flow with the if instruction

  1. conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else
  2. multiple conditional statements
  3. nesting conditional statements

2 > Perform different types of iterations

  1. the pass instruction
  2. building loops with while, for, range(), and in
  3. iterating through sequences
  4. expanding loops with while-else and for-else
  5. nesting loops and conditional statements
  6. controlling loop execution with break and continue

. Data Collections - Tuples, Dictionaries, Lists, and Strings (25%)

1 > Collect and process data using lists

  1. constructing vectors
  2. indexing and slicing
  3. the len() function
  4. list methods: append(), insert(), index(), etc.
  5. functions: len(), sorted()
  6. the del instruction
  7. iterating through lists with the for loop
  8. initializing loops
  9. the in and not in operators
  10. list comprehensions
  11. copying and cloning
  12. lists in lists: matrices and cubes

2 > Collect and process data using tuples

  1. tuples: indexing, slicing, building, immutability
  2. tuples vs. lists: similarities and differences
  3. lists inside tuples and tuples inside lists

3 > Collect and process data using dictionaries

  1. dictionaries: building, indexing, adding and removing keys
  2. iterating through dictionaries and their keys and values
  3. checking the existence of keys
  4. methods: keys(), items(), and values()

4 > Operate with strings

  1. constructing strings
  2. indexing, slicing, immutability
  3. escaping using the \ character
  4. quotes and apostrophes inside strings
  5. multi-line strings
  6. basic string functions and methods

. Functions and Exceptions (28%)

1 > Decompose the code using functions

  1. defining and invoking user-defined functions and generators
  2. the return keyword, returning results
  3. the None keyword
  4. recursion

2 > Organize interaction between the function and its environment

  1. parameters vs. arguments
  2. positional, keyword, and mixed argument passing
  3. default parameter values
  4. name scopes, name hiding (shadowing), and the global keyword

3 > Python Built-In Exceptions Hierarchy

  1. BaseException
  2. Exception
  3. SystemExit
  4. KeyboardInterrupt
  5. abstract exceptions
  6. ArithmeticError
  7. Lookup error
  8. IndexError
  9. KeyError
  10. TypeError
  11. ValueError

4 > Basics of Python Exception Handling

  1. try-except / the try-except Exception
  2. ordering the except branches
  3. propagating exceptions through function boundaries
  4. delegating responsibility for handling exceptions

Why should you learn Python?

Did you know that Python has been used to build YouTube, Instagram, Dropbox and Reddit? But, more to that - Python is extremely easy to learn and use. Although it is a high-level, interpreted programming language its syntax is simple and easy to read. On the other hand, you can do a lot of things in Python, such as web and internet development, scientific and numeric computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, software development, and more. Python has a large and supportive community, with a wealth of libraries and frameworks available. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability and simplicity, making it a popular choice among developers. Learning Python and getting certified in it may skyrocket your career!

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