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ChatGPT API Python Masterclass with Google Apps Integration

1: ChatGPT API Python Masterclass with Google Apps Integration

Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT API: A Comprehensive Guide with Google AppScript Integration

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"Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT API: A Comprehensive Guide with Google AppScript Integration" is a video course that teaches you how to use the ChatGPT API in various Google Suite applications using Appscript. The course is designed to help users leverage the power of natural language processing to automate tasks and improve productivity.

The course begins with an introduction to the ChatGPT API and its capabilities. You will learn how the ChatGPT API generates human-like text responses to user inputs and how it can be used in various applications to automate tasks.

The course then moves on to demonstrate how to use the ChatGPT API in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides using Appscript. You will learn how to set up Appscript projects for each application, obtain API keys from OpenAI, and connect to the ChatGPT API.

Throughout the course, you will work on hands-on projects to reinforce your understanding of how to integrate the ChatGPT API with Google Suite applications.

By the end of the course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use the ChatGPT API in various Google Suite applications using Appscript. You will be able to leverage the power of natural language processing to automate tasks and improve productivity, making this course valuable for anyone looking to optimize their workflow.

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What you'll learn

How to access ChatGPT API
Integrating ChatGPT API with Google Docs
Integrating ChatGPT API with Google Sheets
Integrating ChatGPT API with Google Slides



Who this course is for:

Aspiring Generative AI Developers
Beginner Python developer interested in ChatGPT API
AI Developers trying to build Google Apps Extension

Awesome ChatGPT - Curated list of resources for ChatGPT and GPT-3 from OpenAI.
Awesome ChatGPT API - Curated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota.
Aihub - Discover and explore high-quality and user-friendly AI products worldwide.
Hera Chat The forefront of news aggregation about ChatGPT, AI Chat Bot, AIGC.
Find AI Tools Using AI AI tools.Updated daily.
Finetune chatGPT on custom dataset (sql, csv, excel etc)
The Principles of ChatGPT
What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work? - A long article on the principles of ChatGPT written by Stephen Wolfram, the father of WolframAlpha.
深度学习论文精读 - A collection of intensive reading resources for deep learning papers by Mu Li.
OpenAI Research index - This page is a list of OpenAI’s research papers on various topics in artificial intelligence.
HellaSwag ( Can a Machine Really Finish Your Sentence? Does AI have human common sense?The dataset download address and the scores of each large model.
Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API:OpenAI’s staff tell you how to give clear and effective instructions to GPT.
Awesome ChatGPT Prompts - This is a collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model.
ChatGPT 中文调教指南 - This is a collection of Chinese prompt examples.
ChatGPT Shortcut - A quick reference table of ChatGPT shortcuts is divided by domain and function, allowing users to filter by tags, search by keywords, and copy with a single click to utilize prompts.Even beginners can simply copy the prompt phrases, make minor modifications, and send them to ChatGPT to obtain the desired output.
Prompt Engineering Guide - Guides, papers, lecture, and resources for prompt engineering.
Prompt Marketplace - PromptBase is a marketplace for buying and selling quality prompts.
Prompt 编写模式:如何将思维框架赋予机器(中文) - Introduce a series of Prompt writing patterns to better apply Prompts to programming AI.
ChatGPT 500 prompts - 500 Prompts that are helpful for writers.
OpenAI Official Rescources
ChatGPT - Website.This is an official online chat tool provided by OpenAI, which allows you to have AI conversations with ChatGPT.
ChatGPT plugins:ChatGPT plugins allow ChatGPT to access up-to-date information, run computations, or use third-party services.
OpenAI API - OpenAI API, a platform that allows anyone to access new AI models developed by OpenAI.

Udemy Course

VisualChatGPT - It is a version that adds visual features on top of ChatGPT.Visual ChatGPT is a project developed by Microsoft that enables the exchange of images during conversations. It is a combination of ChatGPT and a series of visual models.
OpenAI - The homepage of OpenAI.
OpenAI Product - This page showcases the products offered by OpenAI, such as GPT models, DALL·E 2 and Whisper.
OpenAI API Documentation - It's a documentation of the OpenAI API. This page is an important resource for learning and using the OpenAI API.
ChatGPT blog - This is an article on the OpenAI official blog introducing ChatGPT.
New Bing - The New Bing is a new generation of search engine developed by Microsoft and based on a large language model from OpenAI, capable of providing intelligent chat, creative and assistant features.
Microsoft 365 Copilot:It combines the large language models,Including GPT-4, with your data in the Microsoft Graph and the Microsoft 365 apps
Social Media
OpenAI Twitter
OpenAI YouTube
OpenAI GitHub
OpenAI SoundCloud
OpenAI LinkedIn
OpenAI Discord
Channel Resources
GitHub Projects
lencx/ChatGPT - ChatGPT Desktop Application
manno/chatgpt-linux-assistant - An ai assistant in your CLI.
arc53/DocsGPT - DocsGPT is a cutting-edge open-source solution that streamlines the process of finding information in project documentation.
GanymedeNil/ - A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT-3.5.
yihong0618/bilingual_book_maker - Translate EPUB eBooks using the OpenAI API.
ChatPaper - ChatPaper is a paper summary tool. AI summarizes papers in one minute, and users read AI-summarized papers in one minute.
bob-plugin-openai-translator - Bob’s translation plugin, calling api.
xiaowuc2/chatgpt-python-applicatins - Applications of ChatGPT using Python with third-party extensions, integrations with other tools etc.
Chrome Extensions
42share Developed by Chinese.Sharing the ChatGPT chat history with others.
sharegpt-google - Sharing the ChatGPT chat history with others can generate various formats such as links, images, and PDFs.
chatgpt-writer-google - Use ChatGPT to generate complete emails and messagese. It is supported on all websites and has better support for Gmail.
chatgpt-prompt-genius-google - Discover, share, import, and use prompts that are most suitable for ChatGPT.
ChatGPT for Google - You can have search engine pages directly display ChatGPT's answers.
AIPRM for ChatGPT - AIPRM is a tool with multiple Prompt Templates and customizable Prompt Templates. It is a tool that ranks second when searching for ChatGPT directly in Google Chrome.
immersive-translator - Translation add-on using the OpenAI API. Fluentify is a free and open-source “Copilot for the web”.Unlike ChatGPT, there’s no need to chat or switch pages, and you don’t have to copy and paste. Just select the text and everything else is done automatically.
Raycast AI - A tool that lets you control your computer with natural language commands.
Web App
Poe - Quora has launched an AI chatbot tool similar to ChatGPT. The product currently includes four different bots, namely Sage, Claude, ChatGPT, and Dragonfly, which are somewhat similar to the offerings of Character AI. These bots draw their AI capabilities from various sources, including OpenAI, Anthropic's Claude, and other AI models, making it a product that integrates multiple AI models.

Udemy Deals

OpenGPT - Create ChatGPT Application in seconds - Access to a wide range of ChatGPT applications, or create your own App in seconds. - Combining with ChatGPT, you can generate a PPT in one minutes. Support importing from Markdown and Logseq.
Chatpdf - The intelligence revolution is here, ChatGPT was just the beginning!
YouChat - YouChat is a chatbot launched by, founded by AI expert Richard Socher. Unlike ChatGPT, YouChat's replies include quotes, which can help users track the source of each message.
Perplexity AI - Perplexity.AI combines large-scale language models and search engines to provide answers to users' needs through continuous dialogue. Compared to ChatGPT, Perplexity AI can provide the sources of information , but its answer fluency and completeness are slightly inferior to ChatGPT.
Chat Simplifier - Chat simplifier, extracts key points from conversations.
PandaGPT - Assist in reading PDFs and automatically answering questions.
ChatMind Input question article/data, one-click generate mind map, support context rewriting and expansion dialogue.

AbdulMajed R


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